Events Search and Views Navigation
March 2025
Basic Fire Police [ March]
Class Fee: $50, Textbook Fee: $30 (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Dates: 2025: March 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th; 1830-2230 Instructor: Randy Rice Prerequisite: ICS-100B This course provides instruction on the proper method to be appointed, the laws pertaining to fire police, fire police powers, and the expected duties of a new fire police officer. Click the button below to register your student.
Find out more »Hazmat Operations (NFPA 472) (March)
Class Fee: $175, (32 Hrs, Min. Age: 16) Dates: 2025: March 8th, 9th,15th, 16th: 0800-1700 Instructor: Larry Curry Prerequisite: Haz-Mat Awareness This course is intended to provide the student with the knowledge and skills required at the First Responder/Operations level of hazardous materials response. This course consists of both classroom and hands-on training (practical application) where the student will participate in various techniques to…
Find out more »SBB, Air Cart (193d SOCES Fire Dept.)
Live Fire Structural training
Find out more »CLR 1,3,SM,SBB,TT (York Adult Probation)
Safety training - Firearms/DT/Taser/OC/Etc.
Find out more »Truck Company Operations I (March)
Class Fee: $105, (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Dates: 2025: March 19th, 20th; 1830-2230, and March 22nd; 0800-1700 Instructor: Bob Sells Prerequisite: Essentials of Firefighting or Interior Firefighter Truck companies, regardless of whether they arrive on an aerial device, squad, or engine, are the ‘combat engineers’ of fire attack operations. This course is for experienced firefighters to introduce the student to the basic concept of truck company operations and duties, including organizing the delivery of truck company services, selection and use of key tools, advanced…
Find out more »SM, TT (YAUFR)
SCBA / Search Drills *with smoke machine
Find out more »Riding the Right Front Seat
Class Fee: $50, (8 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Dates: 2025: March 22nd; 8:00 – 17:00 Instructor: D. Yoder Prerequisite: None This course is designed to orient the new or aspiring company officer to the responsibilities of the position and to provide them with an orientation to the process of managing the first ten (10) minutes of an incident pending the arrival of an experienced line officer. This course is divided into a series of modules covering critical topics. These topics are combined in…
Find out more »Entry Level Exterior Firefighter (ELEF) [March]
Class Fee: $190, (40 Hrs, Min. Age: 16) Dates: 2025: Mar. 3rd, 5th, 24th, 26th, 31st & April 2nd: 1830-2230, Mar. 23rd, 29th: 0800-1700 Instructor: Tim Waltemyer Prerequisites: EL-Fire Ground Support, NIMS 700, and ICS 100 **TURNOUT GEAR & SCBA REQUIRED FOR EVERY CLASS** This course is designed to introduce new firefighters to exterior fire ground operations including ladders, forcible entry, fire behavior, fire extinguishers, SCBA, fire streams, hose line advancement, and utility control. This is the third of four courses in…
Find out more »CLR 1 (York County Probation Services)
Probation Officer CPR Training
Find out more »SBB, Air Cart (Lower Allen Fire Company)
Live Fire Training, Engine Company Ops
Find out more »Vehicle Technical Rescuer at the Awareness & Operations Level-NFPA 1006
Course Fee: $175 (covered by subscription) Lab Fee: $175, not covered by subscription as this covers the cost of the Proboard exam (40 Hrs, Min. Age: 16) Dates: 2025: March 25th, 27 April 1st, 3rd: 1830-2230, March…
Find out more »SBB (Union Fire Co #1)
Spring Station Structural Burn
Find out more »April 2025
CLR 1,3,SM,SBB,TT (York Adult Probation)
Safety Training - DT/Taser/OC/Etc.
Find out more »SBB, Air Cart (Hempfield)
Yearly Live Burn
Find out more »Entry Level Interior Firefighter & Structural Burn (ELIF&SBS) [April]
Class Fee: $400, (56 Hrs, Min. Age: 17 with ACT 155) Dates: 2025: April 8th, 10th, 16th, 30th & May 12th, 14th; 1830-2230; April 12th, 26th & May 4th & May 10th , May 18th; 0800-1630 Instructor: Tim Waltemyer Prerequisites: EL-Exterior FF and HazMat Ops. This course is designed to introduce new firefighters to interior fire ground operations, SCBA, search & rescue, ventilation techniques, fire suppression, salvage, protective systems, and firefighter survival. This is the fourth of five courses in the curriculum. This…
Find out more »Truck Company Operations II & Struct. Burn Refresher (April)
Class Fee: $225, (24 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Dates: 2025: April 9th &10th; 1830-2230, Apr. 13th 0800-1700; Burn April 27th 0800-1700 Instructor: Bob Sells Prerequisite: Truck Co. Ops 1 AND EL-Interior Firefighter or Essentials of FF This course includes advanced techniques and challenges to develop proficiency for safely performing fire ground duties normally assigned to truck companies. The add-on 8hr SBSR will allow these skills to be practiced under live fire and smoke conditions. Turnout Gear, SCBA, Pants & Long Sleeve Shirt REQUIRED For Class…
Find out more »CLR 2 (BUCKS Testing)
Testing Times: 11am, 3pm, 6pm
Find out more »SBB (YAUFR)
Company Level Burn
Find out more »CPR (BLS)/AED/First Aid (April)
Lab Fee: $115, (7 Hrs, Min. Age: 14) Course Fee: $115 Dates: April 12th, 2025; 0800-1630 Instructor: Justin Koller (This meets the FF 1 Proboard test requirements.) American Heart Association BLS Healthcare provider CPR/AED is a classroom, video-based, instructor-led course that teaches students the critical skills needed to respond to and manage a sudden cardiac arrest emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. As of June 2021, we are only offering…
Find out more »Vehicle Technical Rescuer at the Technician Level-NFPA 1006
Course Fee: $200.00 (covered by subscription) Lab Fee: $175, not covered by subscription as this covers the cost of the Proboard exam Dates: April 15th, 17th: 1830-2230 ; April 19th, 26th, 27th May 3rd: 0800-1700 …
Find out more »TT, Veh. Rescue (York County QRT)
Tactical Training
Find out more »SM, TT (City of York)
CERT final SAR exercise & maze training
Find out more »Water Rescue for the First Responders
Class Fee: $45, (3 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Dates: 2025 April 23rd; 1830 – 2130 Instructor: Todd Stahl This 3-Hour classroom course is for anyone who may respond to a water emergency. Topics include scene assessment, activation of the Emergency Response System, evaluation of potential and existing water hazards, scene management, rescue vs. recovery, and personal safety measures. This training is in accordance with NFPA 1670 Water Rescue Awareness Standards Students shall be 18 years of age to participate. Click the button…
Find out more »CLR 1,2,3 (WellSpan EMS)
NREMT Practical Testing
Find out more »May 2025
CLR 1,3,SM,SBB,TT (York Adult Probation)
Safety Training - DT/Taser/OC/Etc.
Find out more »SBB, Field Office, Air Cart (W. Manchester Township)
Structure Burn Session
Find out more »Hazmat Operations Refresher [May]
Class Fee: $50, (7 Hrs, Min. Age: 16) Dates: May 3rd, 2025; 0800 – 1600 Instructor: Larry Curry Prerequisite: Haz-Mat Operations This course will allow a Haz-Mat emergency responder at the First Responder Operations level to receive refresher training as required annually by Federal Regulation. Click the button below to register your student.
Find out more »CLR 1 (York County Probation Services)
Case Plan Training
Find out more »Rapid Intervention Team II (RITII)
Class Fee: $90, (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Lab Fee: $30 Dates: May 10th & 11th, 2025: 0800-1700 Instructor: Tom Rigling Prerequisite: RIT1, Essentials of Firefighting or Interior Firefighting or FF1 This program is designed to build on the concepts covered in the Rapid Intervention Team Operations 1 program and to give personnel the knowledge, skills and abilities to deal with the more complex situations involving Rapid Intervention Teams (RIT) operations. Topics covered include: Advanced concepts in RIT, managing the RIT portion of…
Find out more »Urban Flooding for the First Responder
Class Fee: $45, (3 Hrs, Min. Age: 14) Dates: 2025 May 13th; 1800 – 2100 Instructor: Todd Stahl This 3-hr training session is a must have for First Responders who respond to flood related incidents. This course is designed to provide an overview of hazards in an Urban Flooding environment as well as a basic understanding of water dynamics and responses to Urban Flooding hazards. Flooding is an increasing threat throughout the region. In recent years, areas of the country have seen numerous severe…
Find out more »Engine Company Operations
Class Fee: $100, (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Dates: 2025: May 13th & 15th: 1830-2230, May 17th: 0800-1700 Instructor: Will Shaver Prerequisite: Essentials of FF or EL-Interior FF A discussion of fire behavior and how it spreads in structures, methods of calculating needed water flow, and organizing & equipping engine company is followed by a series of hands-on drills involving various engine company evolutions. Click the button below to register your student.
Find out more »Pump Operations 1 (PUOP) [May Course] Hellam Fire Co
Class Fee: $75, (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Dates: 2025 May 13th & 15th; 1830 – 2230 & 24th; 0800 – 1700 Instructor: Tim Waltemyer Prerequisite: Essentials of Firefighting or EL-Intro to Fire Service This course provides the fire fighter with an introduction to basic pump construction and theory, as well as operating techniques. Emphasis is placed on getting water to the pump, getting water from the pump for hose streams, and prevention of common mistakes in pump operations. This course…
Find out more »CLR 2 (York Probation)
MI 1 Training
Find out more »Veh.Rescue, SM,smoke mach.(193 SOCES Fire Dept.)
Vehicle Extrication and Confidence course / Forcible Entry
Find out more »CLR 1 (WellSpan EMS)
Basic Disaster Life Support
Find out more »CLR 1 (York County Probation Services)
Probation Officer CPR Training
Find out more »Emergency Vehicle Driver Training [May]
Class Fee: $100, (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Dates: 2025: May 20th, 22nd: 1830-2230 and May 24th: 0800-1700 Instructor: Randy Rice The goal of this program is to stimulate the thought processes of the students and to make them aware of the…
Find out more »Veh.Rescue (York County QRT)
Tactical Training
Find out more »Basic Rigging for Rope Rescue (ROBR)
Class Fee: $200, (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 14) Dates: 2025: May 28th, & 29th; 1830–2230 & June 1st; 0800-1700 Instructor: Will Shaver Prerequisite: Essentials of FF or EL-Intro to Fire Service Participants in…
Find out more »June 2025
CPR (BLS)/AED/First Aid (June)
Lab Fee: $115, (7 Hrs, Min. Age: 14) Course Fee: $115 Dates: June 7th, 2025; 0800-1630 Instructor: Justin Koller (This meets the FF 1 Proboard test requirements.) American Heart Association BLS Healthcare provider CPR/AED is a classroom, video-based, instructor-led course that teaches students the critical skills needed to respond to and manage a sudden cardiac arrest emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. As of June 2021, we are only offering…
Find out more »Firefighter 1 Certification Review/Prep (FFCP)
Class Fee: $100, (32 Hrs) Dates: June 7th, 8th, 21st, 22nd 2025; 800-1700 Instructor: Ken Weber Prerequisite: Essentials of Firefighting or EL-Interior FF This 32-hour program is targeted at experienced firefighters who wish to refresh their basic knowledge and skills in preparation for taking the written and practical National Pro-Board exams for NFPA 1001 Firefighter 1 Certification. Firefighter 1 Proboard Testing will be held at York County Public Safety Training Center: Written test June 26th & Practical test June 28th. See Website for…
Find out more »Entry Level Intro to the Fire Service (ELIS) [June Course]
Class Fee: $105, Textbook Fee: $95 (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 14) Dates: 2025:June 8th & 14th; 0800–1700 Instructor: C. Deardorff This entry level course is designed to introduce new firefighters to basic information including an overview of the fire service, fire service organization, firefighter safety, personal protective equipment, and terrorism awareness. This is the first of four courses in the curriculum. *First class with the 7th edition of the IFSTA book.* Click the button below to register your student.
Find out more »CLR 1, SM TT, Sm.machine, Veh. Rescue, Field Office (York City School Police Dept.)
Law Enforcement Officer 2024 Annual Training
Find out more »CLR 2 (York Probation)
MI 2 Training
Find out more »Firefighter Survival
Class Fee: $90, (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Dates: 2025: June 14th & 15th: 0800-1700 Instructor: Tom Rigling Prerequisite: EL-Interior FF, Essential of FF, or equivalent This class is physically demanding, comprehensive program dealing with the necessary knowledge and skills relative to rescue procedures needed for self-rescue. Emphasis will be placed on search techniques, communications, accountability/location and self-rescue procedures. This program will teach the firefighters how to reduce the risk of firefighter injuries and deaths in Pennsylvania. This class will enable firefighters…
Find out more »Hazmat First Responder Awareness (June)
Class Fee: $30, (8 Hrs, Min. Age: 14) Dates: June 16th & 17th, 2025; 1830 – 2230 Instructor: Larry Curry Seven tasks have been identified as part of a process for analyzing the hazardous material problem. This course focuses on the first four tasks in this process: 1) Detecting the presence of hazardous materials…
Find out more »SBB, Air Cart (Lisburn Community Fire Company)
Live Fire Training, Truck Company Ops
Find out more »Advanced Fire Police (June)
Class Fee: $50, Textbook Fee: $30 (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Dates: 2025: June 17th, 18th, 24th, 25th 1830-2230 Instructor: Randy Rice Prerequisite: Basic Fire Police (BFPO) This course provides instructional review of the laws pertaining to fire police powers & the expected duties which include the health, safety, and legal aspects of performance. FPOs will also be taught how to deal with people, how to manage incident response, & leadership qualities. Click the button below to register your student.
Find out more »Entry Level Fire Ground Support (ELFG) [June]
Class Fee: $160, Lab Fee: $20 (32 Hrs, Min. Age: 14) Dates: 2025: June. 21st, 22nd & July 12th, 13th; 0800-1700 Instructor: C. Deardorff Prerequisites: EL-Intro to Fire Service AND HazMat Awareness This course is designed to introduce new firefighters to fire ground operations including water supply, fire hose, ropes, SCBA support, tools, communications, and alarms. This is the second of four courses in the curriculum. Click the button below to register your student
Find out more »SBB, Air Cart (Lisburn Community Fire Company)
Live Fire Training, Truck Company Ops
Find out more »Firefighter I ProBoard Testing
The York County Fire School is a testing site for the ProBoard Firefighter I testing. The written test will be held on June 26th, 2025 from 1830-2230 and the practical testing will be held on June 28th, 2025 from 0800-1630 (or longer if needed). $225.00 Fee To HACC All Firefighter I Certification Applications need to be submitted to HACC Public Safety Center, NOT to the fire school. Per HACC's website: Send typed, completed, original* applications to: HACC,…
Find out more »July 2025
Forcible Entry
Class Fee: $50, (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Lab Fee: $20 Dates: 2025: July 7th & 9th: 1830-2230; July 13th 0800-1630 Instructor: Ben Rodkey Prerequisite: Exterior FF This program teaches the student the principles of forcible entry as it relates to the fire fighter. Students will be shown how to use a variety of forcible entry equipment. Also shown will be situations they may encounter that require the…
Find out more »Rigging for Swiftwater Rescue
Class Fee: $45, (3.5 Hrs, Min. Age: 14) Dates: 2025 : July 8th; 1800–2200 Instructor: Todd Stahl This course is designed to train emergency personnel who respond to water related incidents involving rope. Rigging for swiftwater rescue is a 3.5-hour training session which consist of classroom and hands on. This training will benefit individuals, with obtaining the skills and knowledge who do not wish to continue on to swiftwater rescue technician, but can still be utilized on a rescue incident. Members…
Find out more »Hazmat Operations (NFPA 472) (July)
Class Fee: $175, (32 Hrs, Min. Age: 16) Dates: 2025: July 12th, 13th, 19th, 20th: 0800-1700 Instructor: Larry Curry Prerequisite: Haz-Mat Awareness This course is intended to provide the student with the knowledge and skills required at the First Responder/Operations level of hazardous materials response. This course consists of both classroom and hands-on training (practical application) where the student will participate in various techniques…
Find out more »Veh.Resc.,CLR 1,2,App bldg, SM, SBB, TT (WellSpan York Hospital)
York Hospital ED Resident EMS Day
Find out more »CLR 1 (Sheriff’s Office)
Tactical Medicine Training for Civil Unrest Team
Find out more »CLR 1,3,SM,SBB,TT (York County Adult Probation)
Safety Training - DT/Taser/OC/Etc.
Find out more »August 2025
CLR 1,3,SM,SBB,TT (York County Adult Probation)
Safety Training - DT/Taser/OC/Etc.
Find out more »Entry Level Intro to the Fire Service (ELIS) [August Course]
Class Fee: $105, Textbook Fee: $95 (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 16) Dates: 2025: Aug 4th, 5th; 1830–2230 & Aug 9th; 0800–1700 Instructor: Bob Sells & Will Shaver This entry level course is designed to introduce new firefighters to basic information including an overview of the fire service, fire service organization, firefighter safety, personal protective equipment, and terrorism awareness. This is the first of four courses in the curriculum. *First class with the 7th edition of the IFSTA book.* Click the…
Find out more »Veh.Resc., CL1, SM, SBB, TT (YAUFR)
Youth Safety Camp
Find out more »Emergency Vehicle Driver Training [August]
Class Fee: $100, (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Dates: 2025: August 12th, 13th: 1830-2230 and August 16th: 0800-1700 Instructor: Randy Rice The goal of this program is to stimulate the thought processes of the students and to make them aware of the…
Find out more »CPR (BLS)/AED/First Aid (August)
Lab Fee: $115, (7 Hrs, Min. Age: 14) Course Fee: $115 Dates: August 16th, 2025; 0800-1630 Instructor: Justin Koller (This meets the FF 1 Proboard test requirements.) American Heart Association BLS Healthcare provider CPR/AED is a classroom, video-based, instructor-led course that teaches students the critical skills needed to respond to and manage a sudden cardiac arrest emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. As of June 2021, we are only offering…
Find out more »CLR 1,3,SM,SBB,TT (York County Adult Probation)
Safety Training - DT/Taser/OC/Etc.
Find out more »Entry Level Fire Ground Support (ELFG) [August]
Class Fee: $160, Lab Fee: $20 (32 Hrs, Min. Age: 16) Dates: 2025: August 20th, 21st, 27th, 28th: 1830-2230, August. 24th, 31st; 0800-1700 Instructor: Tim Waltemyer Prerequisites: EL-Intro to Fire Service AND HazMat Awareness This course is designed to introduce new firefighters to fire ground operations including water supply, fire hose, ropes, SCBA support, tools, communications, and alarms. This is the second of four courses in the curriculum. Click the button below to register your student
Find out more »Fire Attack in Basement Fires [August]
Class Fee: $150, (8 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Dates: August 23th, 2025; 0800-1700 Instructor: Ben Rodkey Prerequisite: Essentials of Firefighting or EL-Interior FF This course will build upon the student’s knowledge and skills of structural firefighting by focusing on the hazards associated in attacking basement fires. Turnout Gear, SCBA, Pants & Long Sleeve Shirt REQUIRED For Class Click the button below to register your student.
Find out more »September 2025
CLR 1,3,SM,SBB,TT (York County Adult Probation)
Safety Training - DT/Taser/OC/Etc.
Find out more »SBB (YAUFR)
Company Level Burn
Find out more »Rural Fire Ground Water Movement (RFWM)
Class Fee: $75, (16 Hrs, Minimum Age: 16 years) Dates: 2025: September 6th & 7th; 0800-1700 Instructor: Dana Baker Prerequisite: Essentials of FF or ELIS This course introduces the student to basic methods of water movement in the rural area for firefighting. Tank trucks and large diameter hose are utilized. Safe, efficient, and recommended methods are discussed, demonstrated, and practiced. This course will NOT be at the York County Fire School. This will be held at: Hellam Fire Company 163 E. Market Street Hellam…
Find out more »Veh.Resc., Cl1, SM, SBB, TT, Ext Pit, Instr shed (YAUFR)
Citizens Fire Academy
Find out more »Hazmat First Responder Awareness (September)
Class Fee: $30, (8 Hrs, Min. Age: 14) Dates: September 8th & 9th, 2025; 1830 – 2230 Instructor: Larry Curry Seven tasks have been identified as part of a process for analyzing the hazardous material problem. This course focuses on the first four tasks in this process: 1) Detecting the presence of hazardous materials…
Find out more »Basic Fire Police [September]
Class Fee: $50, Textbook Fee: $30 (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Dates: 2025: September 9th, 10th, 16th,17th; 1830-2230 Instructor: Randy Rice Prerequisite: ICS-100B This course provides instruction on the proper method to be appointed, the laws pertaining to fire police, fire police powers, and the expected duties of a new fire police officer. Click the button below to register your student.
Find out more »CLR 1 (York County Probation)
MI Training
Find out more »Entry Level Exterior Firefighter (ELEF) [September]
Class Fee: $190, (40 Hrs, Min. Age: 16) Dates: 2025: Sept.10th, 11th, 24th, 25th,30th & Oct 2nd; 1830-2230, Sept. 13th, 28th: 0800-1700 Instructor: Sells/ Shaver Prerequisites: EL-Fire Ground Support, NIMS 700, and ICS 100 **TURNOUT GEAR & SCBA REQUIRED FOR EVERY CLASS** This course is designed to introduce new firefighters to exterior fire ground operations including ladders, forcible entry, fire behavior, fire extinguishers, SCBA, fire streams, hose line advancement, and utility control. This is the third of four courses in the…
Find out more »SBB, Air Cart (193rd SOCES Fire Dept)
Live Fire Structural training
Find out more »Pump Operations 1 (PUOP) [Sept Course] SAFER
Class Fee: $75, (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Dates: 2025 September 16th & 17th; 1830 – 2230 & 21st; 0800 – 1700 Instructor: Dana Baker Prerequisite: Essentials of Firefighting or EL-Intro to Fire Service This course provides the fire fighter with an introduction to basic pump construction and theory, as well as operating techniques. Emphasis is placed on getting water to the pump, getting water from the pump for hose streams, and prevention of common mistakes in pump operations. This course…
Find out more »Hazmat Operations Refresher [September]
Class Fee: $50, (7 Hrs, Min. Age: 16) Dates: September 20th, 2025; 0800 – 1600 Instructor: Larry Curry Prerequisite: Haz-Mat Operations This course will allow a Haz-Mat emergency responder at the First Responder Operations level to receive refresher training as required annually by Federal Regulation. Click the button below to register your student.
Find out more »Rapid Intervention Team – (RITI)
Class Fee: $90, Lab Fee: $30 (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 18 at the start of class) Dates: 2025: September 20th & 21st – 8:00 to 17:00 Instructor: T. Rigling Prerequisites: EL-Interior Firefighter or Essential of Firefighting This course is designed to give personnel the essential knowledge, skills, and abilities to function on the fire ground as a member of a Rapid Intervention Team (RIT). Topics covered include: Staffing the RIT, searching for missing firefighters, accessing and assessing a downed firefighter, and rescue/removal procedures. Concepts are…
Find out more »C1, C2, SM, SBB, TT, App bldg (WellSpan EMS)
Advanced Disaster Life Support
Find out more »SBB, Field Office, Air Cart (W. Manchester Township)
Structure Burn Session
Find out more »SBB, Air Cart (Lower Allen Division of Fire Rescue)
Live Fire Training, Run in Scenarios
Find out more »Pump Operations 2 (PUOA) [September]
Class Fee: $75, (16 Hrs, Min. Age: 18) Dates: 2025: Sept 29th & Oct 1st: 1830 – 2230 & Oct. 5th: 0800–1700 Instructor: Dana Baker Prerequisite: Pump Ops 1 This course is designed to instruct the student in advanced techniques of operating pumps. Topics covered include: friction loss, relay pumping, master streams, and elevated master streams. Click the button below to register your student.
Find out more »Vehicle Technical Rescuer at the Awareness & Operations Level-NFPA 1006
Course Fee: $175 (covered by subscription) Lab Fee: $175, not covered by subscription as this covers the cost of the Proboard exam (40 Hrs, Min. Age: 16) Dates: 2025: Sept. 30th, October 2nd, 7th, 9th: 1830-2230, October…
Find out more »October 2025
CLR 1,3,SM,SBB,TT (York County Adult Probation)
Safety Training - DT/Taser/OC/Etc.
Find out more »CPR (BLS)/AED/First Aid (October)
Lab Fee: $115, (7 Hrs, Min. Age: 14) Course Fee: $115 Dates: October 4th, 2025; 0800-1630 Instructor: Justin Koller (This meets the FF 1 Proboard test requirements.) American Heart Association BLS Healthcare provider CPR/AED is a classroom, video-based, instructor-led course that teaches students the critical skills needed to respond to and manage a sudden cardiac arrest emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. As of June 2021, we are only offering…
Find out more »Hazmat Operations (NFPA 472) (October)
Class Fee: $175, (32 Hrs, Min. Age: 16) Dates: 2025: October 4th, 5th, 11th, 12th: 0800-1700 Instructor: Larry Curry Prerequisite: Haz-Mat Awareness This course is intended to provide the student with the knowledge and skills required at the First Responder/Operations level of hazardous materials response. This course consists of both classroom and hands-on training (practical application) where the student will participate in various techniques…
Find out more »CLR 1 (York County Probation)
MI 1 Training
Find out more »Entry Level Interior Firefighter & Structural Burn (ELIF&SBS) [October]
Class Fee: $400, (56 Hrs, Min. Age: 17 with ACT 155) Dates: 2025: October 15th, 16th, 22nd 30th & Nov. 11th, 12th ; 1830-2230; October 19th, 25th, 26th, 1st, 8th; 0800-1630 Instructor: Sells/ Shaver Prerequisites: EL-Exterior FF and HazMat Ops. This course is designed to introduce new firefighters to interior fire ground operations, SCBA, search & rescue, ventilation techniques, fire suppression, salvage, protective systems, and firefighter survival. This is the fourth of five courses in the curriculum. This course will also include…
Find out more »November 2025
CLR 1,3,SM,SBB,TT (York County Adult Probation)
Safety Training – DT/Taser/OC/Etc.
Find out more »