Contact Us

York County Fire School:

Phone Number: 717-767-4097

Address: 330 Emig Rd, York Pa 17406


Administrator:  James Pritchard: [email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Lisa Moscatell: [email protected]

Program Support Specialist: Lou Bruggeman: [email protected]



James Pritchard


Lou Bruggeman

Program Support Specialist

Lisa Moscatell

Administrative Assistant

Board of Governors

Chad Deardorff


Brad Dunham

Vice President

Chris Krichten


Dan Hoff

John Senft

Clifton Laughman

Robert Bowman


Richard Halpin

Asst. Treasurer

Scott Gingrich

York County Fire School Board of Governors:

All board members:

[email protected]

 Chiefs Association Email: 

email for everyone that is in the Chiefs Association email list:

[email protected]

Election Committee Email: 

email for everyone that is in the Chiefs Association Election Committee email list:

[email protected]

Audit Committee Email: 

email for everyone that is in the Chiefs Association Audit Committee email list:

[email protected]

Registration Email: 

email where all staff can see. Send Facility use requests and withdrawal emails to :

[email protected]

Radio Committee:

Chairman: Joe Madzelan:

[email protected]

 Fire School Committee:

Chairman: Bob Sells:

[email protected]

 RIT Committee:

Chairman: VACANT

 Rescue Committee:

 Chairman: Tony Clousher: [email protected], Tony myers 

[email protected]


  SOG Committee:

  Chairman: VACANT

[email protected]

 Apparatus Committee:

Co Chairman: Brad Dunham, Jimmy Williams

[email protected]

Department of Public Safety

Executive Director: Guy Hettinger: [email protected] 

911 Director: Chris Lorenzen: [email protected] 

EMA Director: Chris Weidenhammer: [email protected] 

SARA Planner / Trainer: Daniel Santoemma: [email protected] 

Public Information Officer: Ted Czech : [email protected] 

Traffic Safety Director: Barbara Zortman [email protected]